Palace collections museum 7

Sections of the Palace Collections Museum

The Palace Collections Museum takes its visitors on a journey of history and culture with its rich collections. The museum consists of three main sections, and the collections section of the museum consists of 13 separate sections. Each section exhibits important works belonging to the elegant and detailed history of the Ottoman Empire. Let's now examine these sections and find out what they contain.

The Collections of Sultan Abdulhamid II: In this special section where Sultan Abdulhamid II’s personal belongings are exhibited, you will find many interesting objects related to the sultan’s daily life. From his carriage to his sword, from his carpentry tools to his prayer beads, various objects reflect the Sultan’s lifestyle and personal taste. In addition, the collection of 25th accession gifts reveals the art and engineering understanding of the period.

Children's Clothing: In this section of the National Palaces Textile Collection, you will discover historical children's clothing. Many historical clothes, from cotton onesies to children's hats, provide important information about the clothing of palace children and reveal the fashion of the period.

Toys and Educational Artefacts: This section, where you can see educational and play equipment belonging to Durrusehvar Sultan, the daughter of Caliph Abdulmecid Efendi, exhibits the educational and entertainment world of palace children. The toys and educational equipment used by Durrusehvar Sultan at a young age reflect the importance and interest given to the education of members of the dynasty.

Furniture: Discover the furniture collection that reveals the elegant interiors of Ottoman palaces. In this section, where various furniture is exhibited in terms of style and place of production, you will see the elegant details of Ottoman interiors.

The Art of Hat (Calligraphy) and Writing Sets: In the calligraphy and writing sets collection, you can examine objects such as seals, inkwells, pencil sharpeners, and paperweights, which have an important place in Ottoman official and social life. In addition, religious objects and tile panels are also exhibited in this section, where you will discover the elegant details of Ottoman culture.

Porcelain: Start exploring our porcelain collection from the late Ottoman period. Yildiz Porcelain products are among the important pieces of this collection, along with French, German, and English porcelains. These porcelains reflect the lifestyle and artistic understanding of the period.

Embroidery: Embroidered works from the late 19th and early 20th centuries await you in this section. The collection includes various embroidered textiles like coffee tray covers, tablecloths, prayer rugs, sherbet covers, ablution towels, women's clothing, and covers for religious objects.

Silver Tableware: You can see the silver and gold plated tableware used to host high-ranking guests of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. These elegant examples reflect the period's table manners and the variety of tableware.

Hereke Imperial Factory: Examine the prestigious fabrics produced at Hereke Imperial Factory. These special textile products have won awards both in palace furnishing and at international exhibitions, and reveal the textile art of the period.

Light Fittings: This section, which is an example of 19th-century lighting technology, offers a wide range from giant crystal chandeliers to small hand-held candlesticks. These lighting tools reflect the light sources and aesthetic understanding of the period.

Heating, Industrial, and Medical Equipment: You can examine various heating, health, and industrial tools that make daily life in the palace easier. This section shows the technological innovations of the 19th century and how these innovations were used in the Ottoman palace.

Clocks and Musical Instruments: Discover various clocks and musical instruments that reflect the Ottoman dynasty's love of music. Valuable musical instruments such as the Hamburg-made Steinway piano reveal the musical understanding and aesthetic taste of the period.

Books: This section includes selected works from the Dolmabahce Palace Library of Caliph Abdulmecid Efendi. The content of the library reflects the knowledge and cultural accumulation of the period and provides important information about Ottoman intellectual life.

The Depot: In the depot section of the museum, many objects are preserved under appropriate conditions and stored in a traceable order. This depot, which has the identity of the first and only warehouse in our country, reveals the modern museum understanding and meticulous work aimed at the protection of objects.

Each section will introduce you to different aspects of the Ottoman period and provide in-depth information about history and culture. We wish you a pleasant discovery tour!

Palace Collections Museum
  1. Introduction
  2. About the Palace Collections Museum
  3. Sections of the Palace Collections Museum
  4. What to See Nearby
  5. Conclusion