Istanbul museum of the history of science and technology in islam 6


Welcome to the Istanbul Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam! With this audio guide crafted by Istanbul Tourist Pass®, you will be filled with rich cultural content and gain in-depth information about history and technology while exploring this museum. This museum opens its doors to the visitors in the Has Ahirlar Building in Istanbul's historical Gulhane Park. This museum displays various science and technology instruments invented by scientists in the Islamic world between the 9th and 16th centuries.

You will enjoy special advantages for visiting this museum with the Istanbul Tourist Pass®. Now we invite you to discover the science and technology heritage of the Islamic world. Please put on your headphones before starting and get ready for a pleasant tour!

Istanbul Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam
  1. Introduction
  2. About the Museum
  3. What to See in the Museum
  4. About Fuat Sezgin
  5. What to Do Nearby
  6. Conclusion