Istanbul museum of the history of science and technology in islam 7

What to See in the Museum

The museum has two floors. Upstairs, in the Cinema Hall, there are various visuals about the museum. There are also sections on Astronomy, Clock Technology, Maritime, War Technology, and Medicine. On the lower floor, maps related to Mining, Physics, Mathematics and Geometry, Architecture and City Planning, Chemistry and Optics, and Geography are exhibited.

In the garden of the museum, there is a globe, which is a copy of the World Map built by Caliph al-Ma'mun in the 9th century. In addition, the Avicenna Botanical Garden, which contains 26 of the medicinal plants mentioned in Ibn Sina's book “al-Kanun fit-Tibb”, was opened on 22 June 2013.

Models and models of the works of Islamic scientists are exhibited in the exhibition halls. These works are copies of the works of some important scientists from the creative period of the Islamic Civilization. While most of the copies were made based on written sources by the Institute for the History of Arab-Islamic Sciences affiliated with Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, a small portion are copies of original works that have survived to the present day.

Conceptualized by the famous Islamic science historian Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, the museum is divided into 12 separate sections. Each of them highlights different aspects of the scientific and technological advances of that period.

The Elephant Clock

When you enter the exhibition, you are greeted by an impressive work: the Elephant Clock designed by al-Jazeri. This mechanical masterpiece was specially produced to celebrate the universal qualities and innovative spirit of the Islamic world.

Astronomy Section

The Astronomy Section hosts observatories, astrolabes, and miniatures of various measuring instruments, and presents the astronomical knowledge and observation techniques developed by Islamic scholars to visitors.

Clocks and Marine Section

The Clocks and Marine Section focuses on measuring time and marine innovations. Complex mechanical clocks of al-Jazari and al-Biruni and works of Taqi al-Din from the Ottoman period are exhibited here.

War Technology Section

The War Technology Section highlights the Islamic world's advances in war technologies and defense strategies. Here you can explore these developments through historical documents and original discoveries.

Medicine Section

The Medicine Section contains instruments and manuscripts demonstrating the medical knowledge and practices of Islamic physicians. This section provides a wide range of health information, from surgical instruments to pharmacology.

Mining Section

The Mining Section researches mining methods and technologies used in the Islamic Golden Age. This chapter presents the tools and techniques used to extract and process a variety of minerals and metals, reflecting advanced knowledge of geology and metallurgy.

Physics Section

The Physics Section exhibits scale models of the devices mentioned in al-Jazari's book "Kitabu'l-Hiyel". Featured items include specific gravity measured by al-Biruni's pycnometer, a screw pump, a six-piston pump, and various mechanical devices such as the Perpetuum mobile. In addition, innovative mechanisms such as four sliding door bolts, scissor-shaped elevators, and block and block pulley systems are also included in this section.

Mathematics and Geometry Section

The Mathematics and Geometry Section reveals the contributions of Islamic mathematicians and geometricians. In this section, you can find information about mathematical manuscripts, calculation tools, and geometric models.

Architecture and City Planning Section

The Architecture and City Planning Section emphasizes the architectural richness and city planning innovations of the Islamic world. Here you can explore the development of this art and science through historical buildings, architectural drawings, and city plans.

The Chemistry and Optics Section

The Chemistry and Optics Section is equipped with laboratory equipment and optical devices where chemical processes and optical theories are explored. In this section, a wide range of information is presented, from Islamic scholars' chemical experiments to optical theories.

The Geography Section

The Geography Section is full of ancient maps and navigational instruments that reflect the geographical knowledge of Islamic scholars. In this section, you can take an in-depth journey into the history of geographical discoveries and navigation techniques.

Cinevision Screening Room

In the Cinevision Screening Room, you can enrich this magnificent exhibition with impressive documentaries and films depicting the history of Islamic science and technology. The room also features interactive displays and digital reconstructions to explore in depth the Islamic world's advances in science and technology. Additionally, special sessions are held to discuss the life stories and discoveries of scientists and inventors. This area offers visitors the opportunity to experience the scientific heritage of Islamic culture in a versatile way.

Istanbul Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam
  1. Introduction
  2. About the Museum
  3. What to See in the Museum
  4. About Fuat Sezgin
  5. What to Do Nearby
  6. Conclusion