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Stories and Legends about the Blue Mosque

Istanbul's Blue Mosque is a fascinating architectural masterpiece, and a treasure of fascinating stories and legends handed down from generation to generation. These myths and narratives not only increase the mystery and curiosity of the already impressive structure but also further deepen its importance in the cultural fabric of Istanbul.

The Legend of the Seven Minarets

The Blue Mosque's six minarets were considered a first in Ottoman architecture. This situation caused controversy when the mosque was built because, at that time, the only mosque with six minarets was the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, the holiest place of worship in Islam.

The six minarets of this mosque in Mecca symbolized its special and unique status. Some people perceived the Blue Mosque's six minarets as equally sacred as the Masjid al-Haram, which caused controversy. To resolve this situation and preserve the mosque's uniqueness, Sultan Ahmed I ordered the addition of a seventh minaret to the Masjid al-Haram. So, the Grand Mosque became seven minarets, and the Sultan Ahmed Mosque continued its uniqueness with six minarets.

Origins of the Blue Mosque's Six Minarets

According to the statement, Sultan Ahmet II wanted the minarets to be made of gold. But the architect Sedefkar Mehmet Aga understood it as having six minarets. In Turkish, “altin” means gold and “alti” means six. Due to this misunderstanding, instead of being a mosque with golden minarets, it became a mosque with six minarets.

After this misunderstanding, Sultan Ahmet II had another minaret built as a solution. Currently, the Mecca Mosque has seven minarets, while the Blue Mosque has six minarets.

Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Cistern

According to legend, workers discovered an ancient cistern buried deep within the site during the construction of the Blue Mosque. Excavations revealed a hidden treasure of ancient artifacts and valuable objects, fueling rumors of secret rooms and passages beneath the mosque. Although the truth of these stories is uncertain, the idea of an ancient cistern containing countless riches still captures the imagination of locals and visitors.

Miraculous Fountain

Near the entrance of the Blue Mosque is a hexagonal fountain, often referred to as the "Sultan Ahmet Fountain." According to legend, the water flowing from this fountain has healing properties; It is believed to cure the diseases of those who drink it and provides abundance. So, visitors and locals line up before the fountain, hoping its miraculous powers will bring health and luck.


The Blue Mosque
  1. Introduction
  2. History of the Blue Mosque
  3. Architecture of the Blue Mosque
  4. First Step into The Blue Mosque
  5. What to See in the Blue Mosque
  6. Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia: A Historical Connection
  7. Stories and Legends about the Blue Mosque
  8. Other Structures of the Blue Mosque Complex
  9. What to See Nearby
  10. Conclusion